Our main motto is to design our each product incorporated with latest technology to our clients along with better Quality material, high durability, design and one time investment on each product.The product is designed to make your life easy as it is just operated without any effort.
Our products and raw materials are certified by authorize laboratories after rigorous testing requirements which are conducted under the expert professionals of certified bodies. Continuous improvement is our ongoing process. We have adopted quality assurance program to meet ISO standards.
Quality management Customer satisfaction and quality have always been our most important objectives.Our aim is Total Customer Satisfaction by providing Quality Brass Products. Quality management Customer satisfaction and quality have always been our most important objectives.Our aim is Total Customer Satisfaction by providing Quality Brass Products.
Our quality control system will meet ISO requirements by implementing advanced stage in our inspection, testing and packaging process. All products made by Madhav Group are tested and inspected by certified professionals. Our measuring instruments are also calibrated by accredited authorities.
Each of our products is tested for quality at every stage of production. We also ensure that the raw materials are procured from certified vendors having a good reputation in the market. Manufactured in accordance with different national and international standards, all our products bear the hallmark of superlative quality.
Our team of quality controllers supervises the entire production process and makes sure that there are no shortcomings in the process. The products are checked on the parameters of durability, reliability, dimensional accuracy, hardness, ability to withstand high pressure, etc